Welcome to my website
Warning: Undefined array key "msg" in /home/s214793/public_html/webdev2/week6-7/includes.php on line 58
Specifications: You are to create a basic CMS application webpage which allows a standard member to log in and modify their details. And admin member can modify their own details, but also create new users, modify or delete any standard members details. Admin users can also create / edit and delete pages within the website. You must submit all files used in your application including images. You are also required to submit the URL of your CMS for testing. A Web Developer is responsible for the coding, design and layout of a website according to a company’s specifications. As the role takes into consideration user experience and function, a certain level of both graphic design and computer programming is necessary. Once a website has been created, a Web Developer will generally assist with the maintenance and upkeep of the website.